Thursday, April 07, 2005

What's with the address?

This entry is to address concerns on "why this address" as in why "mycandyhouse.blogspot". Whether you've asked me straight in the face, or you thought aloud or deep inside you there's this tiny voice asking, it doesn't matter because we're about to uncover the mystery in a few seconds.

As most of you should know, my email addy contains my name. I think that is so dull and boring so I did not need this address to be "eesuan.blogspot". It was on the spur of the moment that I started an account so I did not think before-hand what name i wanted. I thought a big "cheem" word would be sophisticated but at that moment I was too tired and the only words I could think of were "bushed", "melancholy", "exhausted" and maybe "tired". None of which were exactly sophisticated.

"princess whatever" seems rather sweet but I don't want to come across as arrogant, thinking too highly of myself see. At this point, being somewhat dreamy, I started to think of fairy tales and children's classics. If you don't already know what I'm driving at, think along this line...

Once upon a time, there was a very poor couple with two children, a boy and a girl. The couple felt that they could not provide for them, thus intending to leave them in the woods hoping that they would be found by some others and be provided for. The next day, after being left in the woods, they wandered around till they found this house made of candy. Uh-huh! candy house!!

"SO?" you must be wondering. What is with this story? If you don't already know, this story is Hansel and Gretel. Man, you must have had a sad and deprived childhood to not know this.

"So what's the link? why this story" My better half happens to be named Hansel. "Oh!" now you know.

Anyway, if you haven't heard of this story, don't be shy, come to me, I'd gladly narrate it to you.


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