Monday, July 10, 2006

the man

He smiles, he talks, he jokes; just like he did four years ago.

Yet he's no longer the same. He no longer stands tall. He no longer has a tummy. He seems to have aged. He has greying hair and lesser hair. He's no longer normal. For now he's on wheels. My heart ached to see him in such a state. I thought I was gonna cry. I could hardly talk. I fought back the tears, and tried to look him in the eye as I talked to him.

For a moment, I didn't know which eye to look at. He's paralysed, the left half of him. But he still tried to be positive, telling us he's not a vegetable and how he can walk unaided.

He couldn't bear to part with us. His class was at 1930 hrs. Yet he talked to us till 2000 hrs, overshot by half an hour. Even then, he told us to go for dinner and come back at 2130 hrs, the time which his class ends. He was really happy to see us. I just felt sorry I didn't go to visit him earlier.

And my heart aches...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheer up suanie! look forward to ur party n be e prettiest angel there!=] i see u soon...take good care k!

12/7/06 1:53 AM  
Blogger deraz said...

قمر الامارات
التنظيف عملية شاقة جدا وليست بالسهلة ولا يستطيع غير المتخصصين القيام بها بمفردهم فعملية التنظيف تشمل اشياء ومناطق لا يستطيع غير المتخصص الوصول لها وباستخدام الالات المتخصصة والمعينة ايضا ومثال على ذلك تنظيف الواجهاتلها الالات معينة ولهذا فان
شركة تنظيف فى الفجيرة
تساعدكم على ذلك وتقدم لكم تلك الخدمة للحصول على افضل نتائج
شركة تلميع وجلى رخامفى الفجيرة

30/7/21 11:59 AM  

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