Thursday, May 19, 2005


hi guys. sorry for not updating my blog. haven't been online for so long. was having exams. i'm sure you'll understand. just had my last paper today. can finally relax a little.

anyway, my paper was taken at the Singapore expo. There are some things i've learnt during the exams:

  1. the expo is damn cold. with jeans and t-shirt and a jacket zipped up all the way, my nails still turned purple, my toes cramp and my teeth chattering.
  2. when they say "switch off your handphone", please do it. there were cases of handphones ringing or vibrating against the floor. it was really irritating. there was one invigilator whose phone rang. wow.
  3. when they say "no going to the toilet till all papers are accounted for", they mean business, go and they threaten to file a report against you. doesn't matter if you don't feel like obeying the guy, think about your future.
  4. after the paper, i'm so drained. my mind is blank. it's as if what i've learnt is thrown onto the paper. i can't recall.
  5. before the paper, i've to go to the toilet. keep thinking i've to take a leak but it's all in the mind. i managed without going for 3 hours.


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